woman creating her monthly budget

Are you looking to live debt-free?

Imagine how it would feel to eliminate monthly payments from your life and be able to…

  • Talk to your spouse about finances and create a solid partnership
  • Know where your money is going while putting it to work for you
  • Use biblical principles to guide your finances and family
  • Take your family on a no-stress vacation
  • Treat yourself and have no guilt over it
  • Reconnect with your spouse and learn how to dream again

Picture This…

$25 J. Crew retail card payment…gone!

$65 Pottery Barn payment… gone!

$345 College Loan payment…gone!

$ 425 Car Loan payment…gone!


That’s $860 of your hard-earned money back in your account every month to spend more time with your family and less time stressing over money.


That’s $10,320 every year.  Talk about a new lease on life!

By making a few tweaks to your spending habits in less than an hour each week, you and your spouse could earn an extra $10k a year.


I’m going to teach you how to do all of this and more inside the course.

Inside the course, you will…

  1. Learn to communicate with your spouse confidently
  2. Create goals for your marriage and build your financial future
  3. Banish habits that prevent you from reaching  goals in your marriage
  4. Get instant access to Master Budget 101- detailed instruction to create effective budgets, achieving results

By the end of Becoming One, you will…

Eliminate money fights in your marriage

Change your family’s future

Enjoy a life without debt

Just $100

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover inside the course:

Lesson One: Mindset Matters

 It is possible to live debt-free while strengthening your marriage. Shift your money mindset on a path to achieve your dream life together. See how you can break the chains of debt and build a stronger relationship with your spouse and your money.

Lesson Two: Routines

Routines are your answer when you become desperate for a solution. Even if routines haven’t worked for you before, these simple yet powerful routines allow you to accomplish any money goal. Simple strategies will help you make the changes you need to pay off debt, save for that family vacation, maybe a second honeymoon, or the new car your family desperately needs. 

Lesson Three: Communication

You will learn to communicate effectively with your spouse and enjoy your marriage. When you have meaningful conversations about money and how you want to spend money in your marriage, trust is built. The more you communicate the more you will value transparency which builds trust. Trust and collaboration will protect what matters most in your marriage. Come together and find grace with each other to build a stronger and more connected marriage. 

Lesson Four: Step-by-Step

Step-by-Step Guidance and Expert Insight to help you transform your money mindset by integrating effective budgeting skills.  No matter your skill, Becoming One provides proven processes that will have you paying off debt, saving for things most important to you, and even giving where maybe before you haven’t been able to. This lesson is jam-packed with actionable worksheets and video lessons to ensure you and your spouse know how to achieve your financial goals.

Lesson Five: You Have More Money

Lesson Five: You Have More Money to Spend on the experiences you actually care about, and spend less time and energy stressing over where all your money is going! With less stress and more energy you will bring more fun back into your marriage.

Myths about Budgeting!

-are for poor people….NO!

-Do not work for me; I don’t make enough money. NO!

-are too restricting….NO!

-makes me feel icky…Not Today!

– it causes me to fight in my marriage

-I pay off my credit card each month, so I don’t need a budget

– it’s too late to start budgeting in my marriage

-squeeze out all the fun in our marriage


I’ll let you in on a little secret….

A Budget Sets You Free!!

When you sit down and tell your money where to go, you are the one in control so if you need more money for groceries this month because you have family coming to visit then add more there.


If your birthday is coming up and you really wanted to treat yourself that month then put it in your budget.


Your budget is like your calendar, you don’t go in and put important events in after the fact, so don’t do that with your MONEY!


Your needs and expenses will change every month, you have authority over where your money goes. Use that muscle and flex!

Becoming One Helps You…

  • Embrace this mindset, “Yes, you can become debt-free!”


  • Understand why being debt-free is important for a healthy marriage.


  • Reduce stress with a spending plan in your marriage.


  • Become the couple to experience financial prosperity!


  • Myth buster, learn why a credit score is not a brag flag. 


  • Make informed decisions to become debt-free on your schedule.


  • Create a legacy and plan for your family’s future.


  • Celebrate each money milestone in your marriage. Date Night? Sounds Fun!


  • No debt? Crush your money goals and live your dreams together.


  • Protect your debt-free lifestyle with the right savings fund.


  • Challenge yourself to create an organic line of credit.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

It Doesn’t Have To Be.


This is what you and your family will achieve together. As you navigate the topic of money in your marriage and you achieve your goals, your love for each other grows and you are able to enjoy the gifts God wants to bestow to your family.  He is for You!


Becoming One is a playbook for your marriage and embracing money together. 


That’s why I always say, “A couple that budgets together stays together!”

What's included:


  • 🎥Twelve Video Lessons: I’ll teach you everything you need to prepare, craft, and maintain a monthly budget to accomplish any money goal you have for your family. 
  • 📝 My Personal Monthly Budget Toolkit: This is the exact template I use and share with my clients every time we create a monthly budget—and it’s what you can use to make the perfect monthly budget for your family. From monthly budget outlines to weekly budget updates to lessons learned each month, this template takes the thinking (and stressing!) out of organizing your monthly budget.
  • 📒 Digital Course Workbook: No more scattered thoughts and hours tracking monthly spending. Consider this workbook your go-to resource where you have all the information you need to accomplish your money goals.
  • 📋 Savings Assessment: With this assessment, you will uncover your strengths and challenges as a saver and know exactly where to focus your efforts so you can save exactly for what matters most to you and your family.
  • Lifetime Access: Get access for the lifetime of the course materials. As long as I continue to run my business, and guarantee access for AT LEAST one year after you enroll. 
Colleen Thedieck

My Debt-Free Journey

Hey, I’m Colleen. I am a wife, a mom, and love running with my lab, Hunter.


I coach confident, intelligent, and family-oriented women on the power of using a budget to take control of their money. 


I sat in the parking lot of a daycare center and realized we were broke. We could not afford the cost of daycare, let alone consider having another child with the amount of crushing debt we had and the monthly payments we had signed up for. 


I call it our “Awakening Moment”. The moment we realized we were the problem, spending more than we earned and income was not our problem. 


Now, we are debt-free, living happily near Raleigh, NC, and raising our two boys.

What is holding you back?

When you make the decision to live debt-free and commit to a budget each month-I guarantee progress with your money goals in your marriage.

I have not only experienced it in my marriage, but so many other marriages as well, which is why I am offering….


No Questions Asked

100%  Money Back Guarantee

Why am I offering this amazing guarantee? Because I believe in You. You and your spouse have unbelievable blessings coming your way…

That is once you commit to each other and allow your money to serve you.

By committing to each other you make your money serve you.  Not the other way around.

It’s a no brainer for sure!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t have access to your video platform?

Not to worry, simply email me. We will find a digital solution together. hello@colleenthedieck.com


Do you offer a guarantee?

Absolutely! 100% 7 day Money back guarantee.


Do I need any expensive software to make this work?

No way! My goal is for you to spend your money on experiences and things that you love.  Most, if not all, of the tools and tactics I recommend, are free.